Month: November 2001

A Sacrifice Remembered

A white wall in the Veterans Memorial Museum in Branson, Missouri, bears the names of 406,000 US soldiers who died in World War II. Each name points beyond itself to the larger cause for which they died.

Let Loose Your Praise!

On the left side of the aisle three people sat stiffly in the pew; on the right side sat a man in a wheelchair. When the congregation stood to sing, the man on the right had someone help him stand. The three on the left had their arms folded; the man on the right strained to lift his weak arms toward heaven. As the music swelled to a crescendo, the man on the right closed his eyes and struggled to make his mouth form the words of the familiar song; the three on the left stared straight ahead, their lips sealed.

On The Edge Of Eternity

During the dark days of World War II, Adolf Hitler was tyrannizing Europe and herding millions of people into concentration camps. No wonder there was a widespread belief that the end of history had arrived.

Learning To Fish

Thomas Boston, a young minister and fly fisherman from Scotland, wrote this in his diary in 1699: "Reading in secret, my heart was touched with Matthew 4:19, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.' My soul cried out for the accomplishing of that to me, and I was very desirous to know how I might follow Christ, so as to be a fisher of men."

Mercy In Disguise

"Don't worry. Only the good die young." This was the reply of an unbelieving man to his sister when she expressed concern that he wasn't ready to meet the Lord.

Better Than Revenge

For centuries, Albanian clans were known for their bloody family feuds. They considered it cowardly not to avenge the death of one of their own. Sometimes retaliation would set off a chain reaction that left 25 to 30 people dead before it ended.

Health-giving Hope

It is well-known that our emotions can have a profound effect on our bodies. And the condition of our bodies can affect our emotions.

Just You And God

My friend Ron wasn't having a good week. His new job had thrust him in the midst of some people who were foul-mouthed, rude, and obnoxious. Ron is one tough guy, but after 2 months of working in that environment, he wasn't sure he could tolerate any more ungodly, uncouth behavior.

Fixed Destiny

A number of years ago, Jim Kaat, a star pitcher for the Minnesota Twins baseball team, was asked by a sportswriter what it meant to be a Christian and a professional athlete. Kaat answered by relating an experience that had taken place on the pitcher's mound a couple of weeks earlier.